The monthly lunches will explore the most pressing Diversity and Inclusion topics—from how to engage diverse stakeholders to creating inclusive working environments. Each month a topic is identified around which the majority of the discussion will revolve. Participants are encouraged to bring questions, examples and insights related to the topic of the session. In addition to the featured topic, each session will include time to network and ask questions. This network is free and no RSVP is necessary. You are invited to bring your lunch, business cards, and ideas.
Please note these lunches take place at nonprofits that serve diverse communities. Locations change each month so please check the specific event listing for each lunch you would like to attend.
The first six lunches will be facilitated by Dr. Mai Moua and will be following the same topics covered in MCN’s Diversity and Inclusion Series. However, you do not need to attend the webinars to attend the lunches.
The Diversity and Inclusion Networking Lunches are co-sponsored by Minnesota Council of Nonprofits and the Charities Review Council.
For a list of the remaining 2012 dates and topics, visit: http://www.minnesotanonprofits.org/events-training/diversity-inclusion